Wednesday, August 18, 2010

todays lesson - progress on scene 3

today in class i drew the police car that will contain the police man that will shoot the lady. and than i also made the people walk towards the farrari that i completed drawing today.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Scene 3 today

I've done a small amount on the third scene and today i am planning on getting them through the door and a security guard to shoot them, i am also planning on having police sirens in the music in the background.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Today i began scene 3 a bit more accurately. I have created a 5 minutes later beginning and than the bank scene with the people walking out. I had to go into scene 1 with the bank and save it for scene 3 and delete the parts i didn't want and than add in whatever i want now.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


today i finally completed scene 2...happiness. i altered a small amount of the whole scene and completed the opening and closing of the doors in the background and the perspective walking of the people going through the doors. now i will have to start work on scene 3. i think i either want them to grab cash in the vault or have a 3 minutes later in white on a black background and than them driving off and her getting shot. i was thinking of having police cars out the front but now i realise it will be too long and time consuming so i have chosen to have a security guard shoot them as they come out the doors. i was also thinking of possibly having them in the lobby of the bank and people on the ground shot with blood but i think that might take too long as well.