Sunday, October 23, 2011

Planning Promotional Material

Synopsis - Two scientists, Jackson Long and Sarah Miller have created a miracle drug known as drug 327x or more commonly known as Amnesia, allowing a trauma patient to be relieved of their memory for a certain time period. While conducting research Sarah discovers a file containing plans for the illegal release of the drug. She plans to warn the government but an intervention by evil forces causes these plans to deteriorate, along with Sarah's mind. It's a story of good versus evil, but which will prevail?

Character Bio's

Jackson Long - Jackson is an evil scientist that concocts plans for world domination. He is lab partners with Sarah and keeps her in the dark in regards to his devious plans. With an evil and dangerous personality Jackson is a malignant person, and he needs to be stopped.

Sarah Miller - A quiet scientist, with a good heart. She is put into a situation where she must throw away her prospects of fame and fortune for the sake of preserving mankind.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Post Production Evaluation/Reflection

• Justify whether your film clearly depicts the intended genre and describe some specific editing techniques you have used to achieve this;
I believe that my film does clearly depict it's intended genre of thriller. A scene that i believe displays the films genre well is the scene in which Sarah walks downstairs to Jackson who is waiting with a needle behind his back. This emotes a sense of suspense therefore applying to the thriller genre.
• Explain whether you used Final Cut Pro effectively to organise your project (through the use of appropriate clip names, bins, sequences) and what you could improve for future projects;
Yes i used Final Cut Pro well in order to organise my project, i created bins to keep appropriate scenes 1 to 11 in order. And i dragged all the clips into the appropriate scenes, this effectively kept my project organised. For future projects I would use the same techniques as they worked well in the way of organisation.
• Describe any problems or difficulties you encountered during post-production and editing. These may include; technical difficulties, corrupt or missing files, difficulty using the editing software etc;
I often had missing files as initially our group worked between 2 usb's and a hard-drive. The usb's quickly ran out of room and could not hold all the needed files therefore we decided to use the hard-drive. Using the hard-drive proved effective, another problem we encountered was towards the later period of the editing process, i would edit a scene and it would not carry through to the whole film sequence. Another difficulty was that on 3 occasions the edits we made did not save. This was frustrating but we re-edited and resolved the issue.
• Explain whether you made use of devices such as storyboards, shot-lists and the rough edit to streamline the editing process;
My group used our film synopsis and rough edit as guidelines and aid for our final editing. Although this was an area that our group could have improved on as we did not develop storyboards. This would be an area to improve on in future or for my next project.
• Discuss whether you made effective use of the EDL and Sound Design templates to support the editing and decision making process;
• Clarify any time-management issues you encountered during the editing process and describe the steps you implemented to improve in this area;
• Discuss whether you undertook adequate and detailed reflection to throughout your project. Have you provided enough evidence to support your work? (Look back at your blogs/journals and think about whether it looks like a whole terms worth of work);
• List any software skills, techniques, tricks or shortcuts you have learned during the project.