Monday, November 7, 2011

I-Web Reflection

1. Who was the intended audience for your website?
The intended audience for my website was the general population, all genders, races, religions etc. I didn't set it to appease a certain criteria of people, more to appeal to people interested in action films, for example the interesting and action associated and genre appropriate photos meet the standards of what this kind of audience would like.

2. What was the purpose of the website (e.g. entertainment, educational, commercial)?
The purpose of my website is to be educational as well as commercial, it is intended to inform and appeal to the audience who view it. The images and bloopers as well as character profile and poster are created to appeal to the viewer and make them want to see more and actually make them want to see the film. The pieces included are some of the most interesting shots and stills from the film and therefore increase the sense of action and interest in relation to the film, without showing too much.

3. Did your site cover its topic/intended purpose? Why or why not?
Yes my site did complete its purpose, as i believe it entices the audience. As discussed previously the images and synopsis leave the viewer wanting more. This was my aim, to hook the audience and i believe that through the material provided i did so.

4. How have the audience and intended purpose influenced the content of your site (e.g. in terms of language, vocabulary, graphics, media, layout of pages and overall structure of the site)?
The intended audience influenced the stills that i used on my website, i tried to make them as interesting as possible, such as images from the lab, the shot of jackson through the door, a dragging still and so on. By making these shots as actiony' and interesting as possible i conveyed my genre as well as appealing to my audience. The language and vocabulary that i used was very formal, just as the film is. The film involves science and research and is very mysterious in a way and the language conveys this.

5. Are headings and keywords consistent in terms of font type, colour, style and emphasis?
Yes all of my headings and keywords are consistent. The font is all Blair and white, i chose the font as it suits an action/thriller film. My headings are all mysterious such as for character bio's i have the heading 'Investigate', i did this to try and add to the theme of the website.

6. Are links logical and well-planned? How many clicks is one too many?
The only links that i have are from my 'Character Bio's' page. It links to Sarah and Jacksons bio's, i don't feel that there are too many links as there are only 2 and they are a necessity, without them the character bio page would be cramped and messy.

7. When you “go” somewhere, can you get back again…or are you lost in cyber-space?
The bar menu at the top of the website allows you to get back to all of the pages, with the exception of the character bio's to get to jackson and sarah's bios you need to go to the character bio page itself as the links to their pages are hidden from the bar menu. The menu at the top is an effective way of navigating around the website.

8. Is the colour scheme appropriate and aesthetically pleasing?
The colour theme is white and grey, it is very simple with the odd splash of red such as the headings in the character bio's as well as the names linking to the bio's on the character bio page. The colour of the drug '327x' is red, and in most of the pages this colour is a prominent stand out from the white background. The plain background draws the attention to the photos and focuses the viewer on the drug, this was my aim.

9. Have you considered an appropriate name for your film?
The title for my film is 'Amnesia'. The nickname for drug 327x is Amnesia and therefore an appropriate title as it links to the themes and plot of the film very well. With the numerous occurrences of memory loss and the file name being Amnesia the title seems to tie in well with the film.

10. Do the elements of design evident in the site (e.g. balance, space, contrast etc) reflect the purpose or nature of the site? Are there visual clues to the intended purpose of the site? How would different colour schemes/textures/font styles change the message of the site?
The images i used were used to interest the viewer, and i layered some of the images to give texture to the space. The contrast in colours focuses the viewer on the important aspects of the page such as different sections of information and images. If i could change something about my website i may have made my colour scheme darker, for instance black as i feel it may have created a more evil feeling. Although one prominent reason that i used white as a main colour is that it ties in with the clinical and science-fiction aspect of the film, as clinic's and science labs are generally white, clean, modern and crisp. The grey borders of the images and some writing focused the viewers attention on what i wanted them to see.

11. How have the audience and purpose of the website affected decisions made in relation to:
a. Font/graphics ? The colour and style of font was aimed to look clinical and action like. The colours were used to draw attention to different focal points eg. pictures and information.
b. Page layout ? The images add texture to the page layout and also interest to the page. With plain, non-layered, symmetrical images the viewer may lose interest in a generic website.
c. Structure of the online resource?

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