Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sleepy Hollow - Cinematography

Camera Movement - The movement of the camera is fluent and it gives the feeling that a person is watching it and moving (hard to explain?) but the movement is less stiff and therefore is more effective.

Camera Position - The position of the camera is often from a high angle suggesting that the main characters in the shot have less power. When the sword is first shown in a close-up the sword is taller and at a higher angle and position than Johnny Depp.

Speed - The Speed in the beginning of the scene is quite constant and normal, but then when the headless character emerges the pace begins to pick up and becomes quite fast, when the scene changes to the house with the younger child the pace has slowed down immensely.

Exposure - The exposure is fairly dark and remains so with mist hovering to a dark house. This is not only due to the fact that the time period of the day is probably afternoon/night but that the feeling of the movie is quite dark.

Focus - The focus of the scene initially begins with Johnny Depp and then transitions on to the child in the conclusion of the clip and the beginning of the new scene. The focus of the film constantly transitions from golden spiral to using the rule of thirds. This effectively helps to move the focus from the sword in the tree, to the different characters.

Perspective - The perspective of the clip is from a third person. The viewer is on the outside looking in.

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