Monday, July 25, 2011

Final Film Synopsis

Our group has finally decided on a film synopsis that works, and we have sorted out all of the kinks and issues with the initial plot. Here is the synopsis.

Creative Media Plot - Amnesia

1. Two scientists, Jackson and Sarah create serum which gives people amnesia, so they forget their pasts. Its purpose was designed to make people who had experienced trauma etc forget (people who had been raped, assaulted..) however after awhile, Sarah discovers that Jackson plans to use it for wrong reasons: to leak it into the city's waterways and make them all forget, so he has ultimate power. Plan also involves getting rid of S because she is a liability.
2. Sarah discovers what he plans to do, finds his plans for it and becomes extremely distressed. She swaps the file which describes the ingredients and how to make the serum with a blank file in place the next day when J is busy. She also takes one of the vials full of it to show to the government as well. After hiding the file and writing herself notes that J cannot be trusted (think Momento) she goes on to make a phone call to the FBI/Government and plans to hand in the file, as she is worried what J will do with serum. J overhears S when he is right outside her door, about to ask if she wants to go to dinner tonight. He hears her talk about giving in the file the next day at 12pm and the location.
3. J leaves and goes back down to the lab and prepares a syringe with the serum in it. He then calls S on phone and asks her to come down to the lab to show her new developments on the serum. She agrees to come and says she will be down there in half an hour. Right before she is getting ready to leave, she remembers the file and sees the words in her mind "must get rid of Sarah." out of anger, she takes the vial with the serum in it from where she stashed the file with her and she goes over to J's house with the vial. Walking through his house, before going to lab, she goes over to his fridge, pulls out a big soft drink bottle she is sure he will drink and pours the liquid from vial into it.
4. She then proceeds to walk downstairs to lab. Sees J, walks over and he shows her something, she leans in, he injects syringe quickly into her arm. She immediately slumps and falls asleep. He drags her away, up the stairs. Then see him placing her in her bed. He looks around the room, ransacks it and can't find the file anywhere. He knows she will be waking up soon and leaves the room.
5. After he has left the room, later on, he calls her and says, don't forget you need to come over to mine and give me back that file. S still cant remember anything and decides to go to him, see if she can get answers about what has happened, why she can't remember anything (Bourne Identity). She asks for address and says she will be over there tonight, if she can find the file. We see her go through all her drawers, finally finds file underneath her mattress. picks it up and decides to go over to J's house, she has to be over there very soon and does not take anytime to read over it.
6. Over at J's house, hands him file. Asks him what it is all about, he explains.
7. He offers her the drink that she drugged but she can't remember that she did drug it and she accepts. They both drink the drink, after a little while of more talking, they start to feel drowsy and S goes home, J goes to bed.
8. Both wake up, same time on the screen. Look around, clearly they don't remember anything, look around room, extremely confused. Both have lost their memory due to the heavy dosage S put into drink.
9. Last scene, pass each other in public, out in a park. Bump into each other, S drops what she is holding and J picks up for each other, quite clear when they look at each other that they do not remember ever meeting each other. (Donnie Darko) play Mad World.

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