Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Creative Media - ASSIGNMENT final submition of avatar 1

From my last post I have finally completed my first avatar out of two. Below is the final product.


The basic emotion I chose at the beginning of the assignment after looking through and evaluation various options I chose contempt. The emotion of contempt is portrayed through the limbs, the arm on the shoulder, the eyes, looking away and staring into space and the slightly relaxed shape of the body. When I started off my process I found changing the colour of the skin exceptionally easy from the emu and the frog task it literally took me 20 seconds to do. After I masked the skin layer *duplicate layer from the background, I erased the excess hue/saturation around the body, the shirt and the hair. I found the hair easier at the top of the head, and than when I progressed to the seperate strands of hair I found that quite difficult. I found it extremley time consuming and it stressed me out. I had to zoom in quite closely and than critiquely use the paint tool on the mask to bring out the small strands of hair. I actually completed all of my avatar and than restarted due to some of the shirt as I didn't mask and erased some I didn't want erased, it was minute but I still restarted.

Mr Powell I found when you had the one-on-one help it was much better and the class demonstrations at the beginning of the term were extemley helpful. Perhaps improve the list on the board process though. I do believe I used my time well.

When I was away I did alot of blogging and worked on my avatar. I don't get distracted during class which is a plus. I tended to blog after school sometimes instead of during class, I did do a few during class but it was just easier to remember than waste time without Mr. Powell if I needed help with the actual photoshop task. I am actually really pleased with this avatar. If I had to do anything over I wouldn't, not with this avatar. I found the process really exciting, as I love photoshop and I think I will find it very useful when I want to ever use photoshop again. I never really knew about photoshop but now I feel like I know so much more.

Creative Media - ASSIGNMENT 12.3.2010

My second avatar is my dog. I have chosen him because I want to have an animal in my clan. Below is the image of him.

 I used all of the techniques from my previous avatar and my practice one as well. The only thing I don't need to do is the ears because he already has them. Below is the image of my final product.

Creative Media - ASSIGNMENT 22.3.2010

Since last lesson I have made a lot of improvements such as the ears and a slight adjustment of the teeth. Below is the image of the previous weeks work without its improvements.

Below is the improved image of my assignment minus the dots which I will soon add in.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Creative Media - ASSIGNMENT 10.3.2010

It is now time to begin my actual assignment and copy the techniques I used for my man. Below is the image I have found and I am planning to use.

The emotion I have chosen for the image above i believe is contempt. So far I have done every single proccess excluding the ears. Below is the image.

I still have to add the ears and I also am contemplating whether or not the hair looks alright because I had to erase some of the hair.
The techniques used were:
- layer
- mask
- hue/saturation
- paintbrush
- eraser
- lasso
- eyedropper

Creative Media - ASSIGNMENT 1.3.2010

I have finally finished my man that I am going to use for an example in my finall assignment. I'm going to use two other images and use the techniques that I have used for my man. Below is my man finally finished.

I also decided to add ears to my man. I thought it added to the animalistic feel of my avatar. Below is the image I used to get the ears from.

 I lassoed the ears and changed the hue to match the skin, then layered them and erased some of the outside, the bits I didn't want.
The techniques I used were:
- lasso
- hue/saturation
- layer
- mask

Monday, March 1, 2010

Photoshop Task - ASSIGNMENT 2.3.2010

Another idea I had for my clan's facial features is luminescent dots on their faces, like avatar but different in its own right. Before I attempt this I am also contemplating bringing through the pupils of the man's eyes so that they stand out in the owl's yellow outsides. Below is the image without this step.

Below is the image with the pubils brought through.

I'm stuck, I don't know what to do. Wether to have them or not? I'm going to leave it with the pupils of the owl for now and if I choose to change them I can later on, but for now I'm going to make a new post after I do the luminescent dots on my man in photoshop.
The techniques used were:
- mask
- paintbrush

Creative Media - Emotions Task 2.3.2010 *crazy

The three emotions that I wish to research are crazy, sad and happy.
Crazy Image 1.

The first image that I have chosen to represent crazy expressions or facial features I believe is quite a strong representation with its excentuated features such as the mouth, eyes, nose and limbs (hands). Mr Powell was talking about how limbs are extremely important features of an expression. The flaring of the nostrils is an instant sign of some emotional imbalance. An alternative emotion for this image is also anger but I think anger is associated with craziness. The raising of the eyebrows and the wideness of the eyes is also again a strong sign of a strong emotion. The curling of the fingers and the wideness of the mouth are another representation of distress and the persons evident disapproval of the situation.
(Source: 2.3.2010)
Crazy Image 2.

The second image of craziness is shown strongly through the boldness of they eyes. The eyes appear to almost pop out of the head in a manner that would suggest an un usual feature of a human, something this unusual is generally classified as crazy or weird. The wideness of the mouth and the state of the teeth again shows a sign of mal-hygiene when a person is mentally unstable they generally disregard hygiene. A common sign of a person who is crazy is a wide mouth, either in amusement, awe or happiness. The over exaggurated smile is probably due to an unamusing sight that this person finds amusing.
(Source: 2.3.2010)

Crazy Image 3.

The strong accentuated features of the baby's eyes and mouth are the main suggestion towards the crazy expression. Some kind of amusement would have triggered the baby's strong expressional smile, which could be taken as too strong and converted to craziness. Again the wideness of the eyes is suggestant of a crazy expression's main feature. As in both of the other images the mouth has also been in a specific type of shape in the second image the expression was also a wide grin.
(Source: 2.3.2010)