Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Creative Media - ASSIGNMENT final submition of avatar 1

From my last post I have finally completed my first avatar out of two. Below is the final product.


The basic emotion I chose at the beginning of the assignment after looking through and evaluation various options I chose contempt. The emotion of contempt is portrayed through the limbs, the arm on the shoulder, the eyes, looking away and staring into space and the slightly relaxed shape of the body. When I started off my process I found changing the colour of the skin exceptionally easy from the emu and the frog task it literally took me 20 seconds to do. After I masked the skin layer *duplicate layer from the background, I erased the excess hue/saturation around the body, the shirt and the hair. I found the hair easier at the top of the head, and than when I progressed to the seperate strands of hair I found that quite difficult. I found it extremley time consuming and it stressed me out. I had to zoom in quite closely and than critiquely use the paint tool on the mask to bring out the small strands of hair. I actually completed all of my avatar and than restarted due to some of the shirt as I didn't mask and erased some I didn't want erased, it was minute but I still restarted.

Mr Powell I found when you had the one-on-one help it was much better and the class demonstrations at the beginning of the term were extemley helpful. Perhaps improve the list on the board process though. I do believe I used my time well.

When I was away I did alot of blogging and worked on my avatar. I don't get distracted during class which is a plus. I tended to blog after school sometimes instead of during class, I did do a few during class but it was just easier to remember than waste time without Mr. Powell if I needed help with the actual photoshop task. I am actually really pleased with this avatar. If I had to do anything over I wouldn't, not with this avatar. I found the process really exciting, as I love photoshop and I think I will find it very useful when I want to ever use photoshop again. I never really knew about photoshop but now I feel like I know so much more.

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