Monday, March 1, 2010

Creative Media - Emotions Task 2.3.2010 *crazy

The three emotions that I wish to research are crazy, sad and happy.
Crazy Image 1.

The first image that I have chosen to represent crazy expressions or facial features I believe is quite a strong representation with its excentuated features such as the mouth, eyes, nose and limbs (hands). Mr Powell was talking about how limbs are extremely important features of an expression. The flaring of the nostrils is an instant sign of some emotional imbalance. An alternative emotion for this image is also anger but I think anger is associated with craziness. The raising of the eyebrows and the wideness of the eyes is also again a strong sign of a strong emotion. The curling of the fingers and the wideness of the mouth are another representation of distress and the persons evident disapproval of the situation.
(Source: 2.3.2010)
Crazy Image 2.

The second image of craziness is shown strongly through the boldness of they eyes. The eyes appear to almost pop out of the head in a manner that would suggest an un usual feature of a human, something this unusual is generally classified as crazy or weird. The wideness of the mouth and the state of the teeth again shows a sign of mal-hygiene when a person is mentally unstable they generally disregard hygiene. A common sign of a person who is crazy is a wide mouth, either in amusement, awe or happiness. The over exaggurated smile is probably due to an unamusing sight that this person finds amusing.
(Source: 2.3.2010)

Crazy Image 3.

The strong accentuated features of the baby's eyes and mouth are the main suggestion towards the crazy expression. Some kind of amusement would have triggered the baby's strong expressional smile, which could be taken as too strong and converted to craziness. Again the wideness of the eyes is suggestant of a crazy expression's main feature. As in both of the other images the mouth has also been in a specific type of shape in the second image the expression was also a wide grin.
(Source: 2.3.2010)

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